Dossier: education and play. 8Units Kindergarten / igloo habitat & arhitectură / #129 / sep 2012
There are children who are happy to go to kindergarten and others who systematically and vehemently refuse to be led out of their own home.
dossier: education and play. 8Units Kindergarten
igloo habitat & arhitectură magazine / #129 / sep 2012
- national agenda: Favorit Cultural Center/Grasshopper Kindergarten
- international agenda: DIY Public Space: Interview with Beniamino Saibene, founder Esterni/Tetralogia della polvere. Casa Bossi, Novara/BMW Guggenheim Lab in Berlin/Studio Posehuset
- igloo student: Bucium Summer School. Second Edition/dOCUMENTA Kassel competition
- architecture: SWAN Office&Technology Park/Villa Achilleas →/A house on Bucegi street →
- design: Unpolished. Young Design from Poland/Recycled paper lamps. Atelier A4/Double Track/Romanian Pavilion at EXPO 2012 Yeosu, South Koreea/Conservatorium Hotel
- heritage: Avramide House →/Ruins in Rapoltu Mare
- traditions: Short legends about waters and moutains
- possible architectures: Occupation structures →
- public space: Parque Las Cañadas
- dossier: education and play: Fuji Kindergarten →/8Units Kindergarten →/Jardines de Malaga Kindergarten →/Kindergarten Complex in Tromsø →
- opinions: About “rational” use of water in Romania
- oogli: Mr. Urban’s adventures on the seaside/Club Electroputere: „The artistic scene in Bucharest has a permissive dynamics”/Anonim Film Festival/Men and mice/Sabine Schründer – Ellipses →
Guardería de Vélez-Rubio, Almería. España
Kindergarten in Velez-Rubio, Almeria. Spain